Surfing Gator

Websites for Fishing Charters

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Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization, also known simply as SEO, is a collective term for any efforts done to improve a website’s search engine rankings. There are many different factors that affect a website’s search engine ranking and many different things that can be done about them. Since everyone wants to rank high on search engines, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a very big deal in the world of websites.

In short, website rankings are a popularity contest. The most popular websites on the web rise to the top of the search engines. Google, or any search engine for that matter, does not want to waste premium space on it’s results pages with websites no one goes to.

Well then, how the heck do you get there? Especially when you’re starting from scratch and the only visitors to your website have been friends and family. While you can’t control everything that affects your search engine rankings, such as how good the competition is, smart Search Engine Optimization plays a very important role!

Two Kinds of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

There are two kinds of Search Engine Optimization, Onsite and Offsite. Onsite SEO is everything done on your website to enhance search engine rankings. Offsite SEO is everything done elsewhere to enhance search engine rankings. Both are important for good search engine ranking!

Onsite SEO is Our Specialty!

At Surfing Gator, we’ll optimize every page on your website for the search engines. Tactics include keyword enhanced page titles, metatag descriptions, header tags, image alt tags, image file names and URLs that emphasis your keywords for search engines. We also compress all image files and host your website on Google servers for the fastest possible load times. Yes, load time also affects search engine rankings! In short, we do everything that can be done technically on a website to make it ‘Search Engine Friendly’.

Written Content with SEO in Mind!

The most important Onsite SEO is the content. The writing on your webpages is custom written by us specifically for your business and your keywords. All written content is original. Nothing is copied from other sites. Copying content is a huge SEO mistake by the way.

Quality content can help! Google likes websites that are informative. We include custom written web pages dedicated to each type of charter you offer. These pages are not only informative for the site visitor but also contain plenty of quality content for search engines.

The only content we do not write for you would be your Fishing Reports Blog, should you decide to use it. Local fishing reports are a good way to help with SEO on your website but only you would know what to write.

We’ll handle the website, You handle Facebook!

Search Engine Optimization is large enough in scope to require a team effort.  Well written, original content on your website will get you just so far up the rankings ladder. But if you want to compete for a cherished spot on page one of Google for fishing charters you need an all around SEO strategy. While we take care of Onsite SEO, it’s up to you to take care of Offsite SEO. No one can do it better than you anyway!

What is Offsite SEO?

Offsite SEO is everything done to enhance search engine rankings that is not done on the website. You’re probably familiar with most of them already but never thought of them as important to website search engine rankings.

Here’s a list of Offsite SEO things you can do to improve your search engine rankings!

1) Google Profile Page

Formerly known as Google My Business, it’s where Google presents all your Google reviews as well as images and information about your business. A Google Profile Page is necessary to be included on Google Maps. Most importanatly it contains a link back to your website. That alone will get you clicks.

2) Good Reviews

Good Reviews are a big advantage on Google Maps which will get you noticed more and get more clicks to your website. Clicks to your website are an indication to Google of your site’s popularity which in turn affects rankings.

We can place shortcuts to write reviews for Google, TripAdvisor, Yelp and Facebook right on your website. We can also display Live Review Feeds from Google, TripAdvisor, Yelp and Facebook on your website.

3) Backlinks

Backlinks are links on other websites that link back to your website. Each backlink to your site is like a vote telling search engines they like your site. Search engines like Google keep a record of your backlinks and use them to calculate your seach rankings.

Backlinks can be a very powerful SEO tool. The first backlinks you should have are on your Google Business Profile, TripAdvisor and other reviews sites and on your Social Media profiles and posts.

Backlinks can be acquired by swapping links with other related websites. These can be websites owned by friends and acquaintances with businesses in your community such as other boat charters, marinas, hotels or even seafood restaurants and bait shops! You can also list your website for free on the websites of most local tourist guides as well as state and national boating, fishing and tourism directories.

All of these are high quality backlinks that help your Offsite SEO. Poor quality backlinks on questionable websites, especially websites used solely for the purpose of manipulating Google can backfire and greatly harm your search engine rankings.

4) Social Media

Social Media plays a big part towards making your website ‘popular’ on the web and getting ranked higher by Google and other search engines. Social Media websites are search engines within themselves where people can search their favorite topics. If you’re not there, no one’s going to find you. In addition there are links in your social media profiles and posts that bring traffic to your website.

We recommend keeping current, active accounts on Facebook and Instagram. The rest are not as popular among fishing charter captains but if you like Twitter use it. We can also provide Live Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Feeds on your website.

5) YouTube

Close behind Social Media in importance are YouTube videos. Google owns YouTube and YouTube videos are often seen in Google search results. Google is aware of how popular a particular fishing charter is on YouTube and will give that charter credit in search results for good use of YouTube. We also provide Live YouTube Video Feeds as well as placing your YouTube videos on your website. A popular feature with fishing charter website visitors!

6) TripAdvisor Profile Page

TripAdvisor is the most recognized reviews site in the Tourism industry. Plenty of good reviews on TripAdvisor alone can bring you lots of business and clicks to your website. In addition you can create a backlink to your website on TripAdvisor to help with SEO.

SEO Works!

Remember, there is no single trick that gets you to the top of the search engines. It’s a combination of things and it takes time and effort.

Put aside time every week or month to update your social media posts or to add more YouTube videos or to get more backlinks.  Over time it will pay off. If you can have fun at it you’re well on your way to having a strong presence on search engines and getting more business off the web.

If you have any questions or need assistance with any Offsite SEO, we’ll be happy to guide you through the processes.

Written by Warren Roche
Surfing Gator